• Bounce Back & Thrive 1-2-1 Coaching Programme: Address what’s holding you back and increase the impact you need to get promoted!

Why your Attention Matters

People know when you aren’t giving them your attention. 
They can sense it. 
And it really messes with their thinking. 
The other night I was out with a friend. He asked me a question and as I was answering I could feel myself struggling to find the right word and I kept losing my train of thought. 
It turns out he’s gotten something stuck in his teeth and was trying to dislodge it. 
I couldn’t tell he was doing it, but something in my brain knew. 
A study from the University of Utah confirms what happened to me. Researchers put people into pairs and asked one person to talk about something important to them. The other was asked to silently count the number of words their partner said that started with ‘th’.  
The speakers speech became less fluent and coherent. 
Can you believe it. 

two women sitting talking. one is on her phone at the same time

You can impact someone’s fluency and coherence by taking your attention away from them even if you look like you’re listening.  

As one of my favourite thinkers, Nancy Kline says: 

“The quality of your attention determines the quality of other people’s thinking. 

If there is one coach-like thing that I would like all new managers, actually all managers to do, it is to focus on the quality of their attention when talking to their team. 

Stop what you’re doing, pause whatever you’re thinking about and give the person talking to your highest quality of attention. 

You’ll experience their thinking getting clearer and their confidence growing stronger as they come up with their own solutions. 

Try it and report back what you notice. 

This blog was inspired by an episode of Hidden Brain: Are you listening 
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