• Bounce Back & Thrive 1-2-1 Coaching Programme: Address what’s holding you back and increase the impact you need to get promoted!

What’s in your Joy Jar?

Have you opened your 2023 joy jar yet?

I have a confession to make. I haven’t, because I don’t have one.

I didn’t get round to opening my 2022 one because the thinking husband and I were in NZ seeing family and friends for the first time since COVID.

I’m a little sad because there were so many great moments in 2023 that I have no record of.

But I did have a great time looking back on 2022. Spending time with people I love, eating and gardening seem to be what brings me the most joy so I’m going to make sure I do that even more in 2024.

Image Description: My joy jar, a frosted glass jar with a cork stopper, with joy notes spilling out 

What’s a Joy Jar? 

You can skip this bit if you know.

We humans tend to have a negativity bias, you can find out more about that here. It’s where we tend to remember the bad events more than the good.

A joy jar is a way to balance that bias by helping you remember that good things, small or large, are happening to you. A few times a week note down what brought you joy and put it in your jar.

Use a clear jar if you can so it becomes a visual reminder of the joy in your life.

You can write down anything that brings you joy from snuggling on the couch on a rainy day to a massive promotion. Go back and read the notes whenever you need a mood booster.

One friend told me they do this with their household, and every so often they empty the jar and take turns reading them out.

It’s also a great way to feed your cheerleader.

Give it try and let me know how it goes.

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