What if you could have the crisis before the crisis?

One of the cool things about a coaching space is it’s yours.

There are no judgements or hidden agendas. You can explore with no filters.

It’s the Thinker’s time to do what is most valuable to them AND I also have a duty of care to help them have the crisis before the crisis, even if they don’t want to.

Let me explain.

I’m a one-woman band, my clients have no other point of contact.

If something happens to me, no one else knows who my clients are or know enough to be able to contact them without a huge amount of effort.

I’ve always known this in the back of my mind. It was the combination of writing my will and a worldwide pandemic that finally led me to imagine what it would be like for my clients, Thinkers, friends, and loved ones if I wasn’t here.

So I hired a virtual assistant.

If something happens to me, I know that my clients and Thinkers will be well looked after.

And, it’s freed up so much space in my brain, space I didn’t realise was being occupied.

Although my style is to let you choose the direction in your coaching session, I know that sometimes there are things we might be avoiding.

In helping you surface these things you get to imagine the crisis and deal with it before it actually happens, or avoid it altogether.

You can try it now. Ask yourself:

  • What am I not noticing?
  • What am I not attending to?
  • What needs attention that I haven’t yet looked at?

Asking yourself these questions gives you an opportunity to surface the crises that might be looming on the horizon.

Then you can make a choice about how and when you want to deal with them, or if they even need any attention at all.

They’re also great questions to explore with your team.

PS: The idea of having the crisis before the crisis comes from Dr. Peter Hawkins who I did my team coaching training with.

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