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Third Quarter Check-in: October 2024

It’s wheel of life quarterly check-in time! 

The advice I gave myself last time is still on my whiteboard.  

Having a visual reminder of my focus this month has helped in so many ways.

My whiteboard that says "Slow is Smooth and Smooth is fast"

So, grab your wheels from last time, get some paper, pens and make yourself comfy and let’s dive in. 

(Note: never done this before? No worries you can get started with How to check in with yourself.).

The Check-in 

  1. Redraw your wheel of life and rate yourself on each segment. You can use the same segments as last time or change them, it’s up to you.
  2. Look at all your wheels side by side, which areas have been most consistent and how can you make the most of this in your next quarter? 
My wheel of life in July that shows my self-rating on eight areas, family, business, learning, garden, home, health, money and friends.
My wheel of life in April that shows my self-rating on eight areas, family, business, learning, garden, home, health, money and friends.
My wheel of life from December 2023 that shows my self-rating on eight areas, family, business, learning, garden, home, health, money and friends.

Friends and money stand out for me, they have been anchor for me in what has been a year of big ups and downs.

I could make more of these in the next quarter by making sure I have regular touch points with friends I don’t see as often and reminding myself that I have the money safety net I need to ride out any short term lulls in business. 


3.How did the advice you gave yourself last quarter influence you? 

The big surprise of this quarter is that I’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnoea and that’s the cause of my tiredness, although there is probably some perimenopause as well.  

The process to get a CPAP for treatment has been a bit of a nightmare but I keep reminding myself of my advice, slow is smooth, smooth is fast. I’m slowing things down and taking extra rest when I need it. 

Just because something is on the to do list doesn’t mean it has to be done right now! Right?


4. There is one more quarter of the year, what do you want your wheel to look like when we check in again in January?

My focus this quarter remains unchanged, health and business.

I know once I’ve started CPAP treatment then I’m going to feel so much better. And I’m on track with my business. I joined the Business of Coaching mentor group run by Joanna Lott to help me with business development and book promotion. The results so far have been amazing and it’s only been a month.

5. This quarter we go into the festive season and this feels different for each of us. So take a moment and reflect on what space you need to create for yourself this quarter.  

For me it’s time to connect with people and spend time with them so I’m going to be booking in coffees, lunches and dinners this week before everyone gets booked up! 

Not loving these reflection questions? Try these instead, 1st Quarter Check-in or 2nd Quarter Check-in.

Make it visible 

Writing down your commitments primes your brain to look for opportunities to keep them. But you know what’s even better? Making them visible.  

In what way might you make your commitment(s) for this quarter visible?  

I’m keeping it simple and leaving my “slow is smooth, smooth is fast” quote up on my whiteboard. I’ve also created a list of people I want to catch-up with this quarter and I’m going to get started on that.  

Want to go one step further?

Reflecting on your progress can help you see your successes and highlight other ways to achieve your goals and it only takes 6 minutes

Send me an email  and let me know how this month’s check-in was for you. 

Where can I buy a copy of Think Like A Coach? 

Think Like A Coach is available in the UK from Amazon and The Right Book Press. Worldwide it is available through Amazon. Links here.

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